Sunrise Cooperative, Inc.

Success grows here.

Sunrise Cooperative, Inc. is a leading agricultural and energy cooperative located in Ohio. We are committed to bringing innovative choices and expert solutions to our customers. We know you have choices in the products and services you want, which is why we are tightly focused on your needs. At Sunrise, we strive to offer you the best choices delivered by the best team.
We offer products and services to help you with your day to day operations for your farm, home or business. We are strategically aligned with key industry partners to bring you top of the line products by trained professionals. And we offer our branded PCT | Sunrise products, which encompasses precise blends of starters, foliars, finishers, adjuvants, biologicals and micronutrients to help maximize yield.

Our team-based approach to customer service gives you access to a full range of knowledge and expertise within the cooperative. We provide team-based solutions across multiple divisions including agronomy, grain, energy and feed.

Sunrise is 100-percent farmer-owned and is governed by a Board of Directors elected by our members. We return patronage to our members based on the cooperative’s financial performance each fiscal year. All corporate support is conducted from our corporate office located in Fremont, Ohio and is under the leadership of President/CEO George D. Secor.

Our investment in our people, and our facilities, allows us to provide the best solutions for our member-owners. The people of Sunrise Cooperative begin each day committed to focusing their expertise on growing your success.


Giving Back

Sunrise is committed to the communities that we serve. We have a strong commitment to the agricultural industry and strive to give back and educate our future leaders. Our commitment to our communities allows us to have supporting partnerships with organizations and initiatives such as:

  • 4-H
  • FFA
  • Local Ohio County Fairs
  • Riders Unlimited
  • Fueling the Cure
  • Scholarships
Board of Directors

Board of Directors

The Sunrise Cooperative Board of Directors is composed of 12 members. Serving our member-owners are nine district representatives and three at-large representatives. All directors are voted on by the member-owners to serve a term which consists of four years.

Senior Management

Senior Management

Sunrise Cooperative is led by President/CEO George D. Secor with strong leadership from his staff of seven vice presidents and a CFO. The senior management team shares the values and directions of the cooperative through all divisions. The team is dedicated to strong leadership for the cooperative and providing the Sunrise employees with the proper training, education and safe working environment, which leads to providing top-notch service to our customer-owners.

Sunrise Team & Facilities

Sunrise Team & Facilities

It is our commitment to bring innovative solutions to the challenges our customers face. Our investment in our people and our facilities allows us to provide the best solutions for our member-owners. We know you have choices in the products and services you want, which is why we are tightly focused on your needs.

Our team-based approach to customer service gives you access to the full range of knowledge and experience within the cooperative. At Sunrise, we strive to offer you the best choices delivered by the best team.

Use the facilities directory to view employees. 




We highly value the safety of our member-owners and take pride in providing you with the most up-to-date agricultural safety information. Safety is our top priority and we work hard to foster a philosophy of safety for both our customers and employees.




Are you interested in becoming a member at Sunrise Cooperative? If the cooperative is profitable at the end of each fiscal year (August 31st), it will allocate patronage based on volume of business to its member-owners. A portion of these profits are paid out in cash and the non-cash portion becomes preferred stock assigned in the member’s name and held by the cooperative. This stock is paid out when authorized by the Board of Directors.
There are two types of memberships within Sunrise Cooperative:  Common Stock and A Preferred Stock. Common Stock membership costs $100 and you are a voting member through your business or as an individual. A Preferred Stock membership costs $50 and this is a non-voting membership setup as a consumer, business or farm.


Interested in Doing Business with Us?

If you have an interest in doing business with Sunrise Cooperative, a credit application will need to be completed. There are three types of applications: farm, business or residential. Please download the application that pertains to your business interest with Sunrise, complete and sign, then return the application our corporate office.