What is the POGO Stick?
The POGO Stick is a specialized tool developed by Precision Planting to track final stand counts and plant population following emergence to diagnose planter and emergence issues.
With tighter margins in commodity crops the importance of precise planting of seed is increasing. Determining planter performance is more than looking at the stand and saying “something is not right here.” Sunrise Precision Solutions (SPS) Equipment team utilizes the PogoStick to determine where problems are, whether in the seed or the planter, to have a solid foundation when making recommendations to our customer-owners.
This tool streamlines the data recording process by automatically sharing data between devices allowing for quick reports and data interpretation. See how the POGO Stick works in the field and view the report generated from Craig’s POGO run. The report sections break out different areas of the planter’s performance and review how improvements can be made. Whether it is current operation of good equipment or improvements to be made to current planter, the report will direct the SPS team member and grower in the right direction.
Success Grows Here is not a slogan it’s a way of business.

POGO Stick Run Summary
Below is an example of the results available from a POGO Stick run.